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Read what people are saying about

The Writer's Circle ...Testimonials


“As a participant in Dina's Memory Keepers Club, I most heartily recommend this group.  We have an opportunity here to share our stories, whether by writing them, telling them, showing them, dancing them, laughing them -- however it is that we are able to open.  We learn about ourselves and about others in the group by "doing," each in our personal and highly unique way.  We grow closer to each other as our styles manifest and as we encounter the responses of others in the group. 

Dina is a skilled facilitator.  She demonstrates care and concern for each, and for all, of us.  We are held with honor, in safety.  Both our creative and our receptive abilities develop, and we are able to grow in this setting with her.  She values us.  She shares with us.  She is truly a graceful group leader.

Dina's intentions are noble.  Her abilities shine.

I am so happy to be here!”

  - Karen L.,

M.A. Expressive Arts Therapies

Retired Licensed Mental Health Counselor


"Hi, I'm Ruth. I had an idea for a book 30 years ago. My college professor said that he would see me in print someday.

Since that time, I joined a memoir writing group and wrote my life story. I went back to college and took journalism. I joined another memoir writing group in which the facilitator encouraged me to write 17 letters because I had something universal to say. He was going to find a newspaper column for me. My book still waited in the wings.

Then along came Dina and 'Memory Keepers Club.' A story a week began flowing as if by magic. The more I write, the more I write! Dina turned me around and headed me true north. I know at last how to put my book together, add the missing pieces, and I can see the finished product!

'Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.' - e.e. cummings

Dina Polizzi does what she was put on this earth to do - inspire us seniors to that very thing e.e.cummings wrote. And she says we inspire her!"

 - Ruth B.


“I went into the writers' group with open eyes, a degree in journalism and many years as a newspaper reporter to back me up.  I thought it would be a good way to keep writing as a viable part of my life and to share some time with my lady friends.

I came out of the writers' group completely blown away by the excellent topics, writing styles, and the absolute support we received from each other.  A few nights were very emotional and all were fulfilling in more ways than one.

Just think... I went into the project hoping that I could help some people with their writing and ended up being helped in so very many ways (including my writing.)  Thank you, Dina!”  

- Janet Holden


"I began attending a writer's group facilitated by Dina Polizzi over one year ago.  Dina is a gracious hostess who guides the group with a gentle hand, always allowing for each person to speak uninterrupted.  The format of the group is simple and always adhered to.  One aspect of the writer's group that Dina facilitates that I felt was helpful is that there is no criticism and this method builds self-esteem and helps the writer to grow in their craft without fear of judgement.  We have had some magical groups with outstanding writing that have been emotional and hilarious and deeply moving.  I got so much more than I ever expected by attending Dina's writer's group." 

- Dianne Engel-Dragon


“Writing has never been a passion of mine but I welcomed the opportunity to connect with new and old friends.  Always up for a challenge, I was delighted to find that the writers group offered me the space to explore topics and writing styles I would not have explored otherwise.  Being able to give and receive positive feedback was uplifting and reaffirming not only for me as a writer but for me as an individual.  I really enjoyed hearing what other people had written.  Each piece of writing read out loud by the author was a true gift.  The writers group was an unexpected experience and one that I will always treasure.”

- Jen Dolan 

© 2018 by Dina Polizzi

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